Niall Fitness Blog

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Protecting your brain with exercise

“The first thing to incorporate into your life if you haven’t already done so, is to aim to engage in aerobic physical activity for a ...
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Joint Pain: My Recommended Supplements

We all wake up from time to time with aches, pains and niggles. Whether it be joint pain, back pain or random creaks that seem ...
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Latest Research on Cholesterol: Cardiovascular Disease

This week's blog is the last of our series about cholesterol and is all about the link between cardiovascular disease and cholesterol. You might find ...
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Latest Research on Cholesterol: Low Mood & Low Cholesterol

This week we are looking at the relation between lowering our cholesterol and developing depression. Read on to find out more...
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Latest Research on Cholesterol: Iron & Heart Disease

In a world where we are still being encouraged to include iron as part of a healthy diet, here are some of the shocking facts ...
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Latest Research on Cholesterol: Sugar. The Not-So-Sweet Truth

This week's blog looks at the studies around sugar intake and why we need to re-educate ourselves about fat...
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Latest Research on Cholesterol: Statins.

If you or anyone you know is currently taking statins, or is being advised to take them, we really feel that it is worth giving ...
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Latest Research on Cholesterol

Here is a look at the latest research into cholesterol; the causes, types and cures by four of my favourite doctors; Dr Mark Hyman, Dr ...
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Happy New Year from Niall Fitness

A very happy new year to everyone! Here are some tips from us for a happy and healthy year ahead, plus an update on what ...
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Thank You & See You In 2021!

That's a wrap for 2020!...
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