Protecting your brain with exercise

“The first thing to incorporate into your life if you haven’t already done so, is to aim to engage in aerobic physical activity for a minimum of twenty minutes a day. Try and establish a routine you enjoy that gets your heart rate up by at least fifty percent of your resting baseline. Remember, you […]

Joint Pain: My Recommended Supplements

We all wake up from time to time with aches, pains and niggles. Whether it be joint pain, back pain or random creaks that seem to pester us daily. I’ve always done a great deal of intense training. In particular I have recently been doing a lot more squats and lunges than usual. One Friday […]

Life With Eczema: 3 Months On

This week’s blog is about the life changes I have tried to make in order to stop inflammation. Read on to find out more, I hope it is of some use to other sufferers…

Cauliflower & Broccoli Melt

For a very yummy and healthy, gluten free dinner that won’t break the bank! And it’s guilt-free. Read on to find the recipe and simple steps…