How to make time for exercise over the holidays

Tips from your personal training Twickenham, professional

Sticking to a diet or healthy fitness regime over the Christmas holidays is tricky, all that temptation from Christmas lunch to Christmas pudding. It’s important to allow yourself a few treats, but here’s how you can make time for exercise over the holidays with Niall Fitness – personal training in Twickenham.

  1. Sign up to personal training in Twickenham! Thought we’d add a cheeky one in there… but personal training in Twickenham can help to formalise your training programme to make sure you’re getting the right balance at this time of year, plus ensuring you don’t have to work as hard in January!
  2. Manage your time From setting a slightly earlier alarm, to blocking out time in your calendar, making time to exercise by prioritising it during your day will help you to stay on top of it all.
  3. Take your lunch break If you usually spend your lunch break eating at your desk, don’t! Use the time to get up, move those muscles and get some oxygen into your lungs. You can eat your lunch at your desk after that!
  4. Get your steps in Christmas is the perfect time of year to spend exploring new outdoor spaces and taking a lovely country walk with family and friends. Who knows, you may stumble upon one of our personal training in Twickenham sessions!
  5. Buddy up! If you’re planning to make the investment into personal training in Twickenham in the new year, at least find another buddy that you can go to the gym with, go for a run with or take a walk with. Encouragement from a friend can sometimes be all you need.

You can find more amazing tips like this when you opt to invest in personal training, Twickenham, like Niall Fitness. We’ll set achievable goals together, designed around supporting a healthy lifestyle for the long term.

We’ve received some amazing reviews for personal training in Twickenham. You can read more of our 5 star reviews below.

If you’d like some more tips, we’re here for you. Explore our personal training in Twickenham by giving us a call or arranging a coffee to chat through your fitness goals.

To view our services and price list, click the button below.

Still not sure if  personal training is right for you? Read more of our testimonials for inspiration.