Have you considered personal training in Richmond before the year ends?

Healthy eating tips for the Winter from your personal trainer Richmond

Healthy eating is easy to do when you teach yourself good habits. You can be forgiven at this time of the year for getting caught up in the impending festivities and treating yourself on one too many occasions. But as your personal trainer in Richmond, I can show you that there are some simple things you can do to keep yourself from adding on an additional winter layer!

  1. Eat lot of fruit and vegetables. The recommended guidance is 5 portions a day and what’s important to note is that these can be fresh or frozen. As a personal trainer in Richmond, I’d recommend buying fresh where possible and freezing veg packed meals to eat at a later date.
  2. Reduce saturated fats and sugar. Any good personal trainer in Richmond would recommend reducing your intake of fatty meats, hard cheeses, cakes, biscuits and other food and drinks high in saturated fats and sugar. Whilst it’s important to have some fat in your diet, the amount and types of fat are critical to get right.
  3. Reduce your salt. We all like to add a little salt to our meals for flavour, but more than 6g a day can increase your blood pressure which is a big cause of heart disease. Just be mindful of how much you need.
  4. Stay hydrated. Drinking between 6-8 glasses of water every day in addition to your meals will ensure you’re getting plenty of fluid into your body to remain hydrated – this is easy to do if you’re exercising with your personal trainer in Richmond!
  5. Exercise and stay fit Being active is the best way to stay on top of a healthy body and mind coupled with a healthy, balanced diet. I offer personal training in Richmond to enable local people like you to do this without any fuss.

You can find more amazing tips like this when you opt to work with a personal trainer in Richmond like Niall Fitness. We’ll set achievable goals together, designed around supporting a healthy lifestyle for the long term.

We’ve received some amazing reviews as a personal trainer in Richmind. You can read more of our 5 star reviews below.

If you’d like some more tips, we’re here for you. Explore working with a  personal trainer in Richmond by giving us a call or arranging a coffee to chat through your fitness goals.

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